Oscar hope 2024

Two films shot in Hamburg and insured by the DFG have a chance of winning an Oscar in 2024.
One is the film "The Teacher's Lounge", which was presented at the DFG Film Evening in Hamburg at the end of September 2023. "The Teacher's Lounge" depicts a school day with all its ups and downs, in which the teachers assume the position of power. The film has already won several awards.
"King's Land" (International title: The Promised Land) is the second nominated film. The film is set in 17th century Denmark. The Danish King Frederik V decides that the wild moors of Jutland should be tamed, cultivated and colonised. However, no one dared to obey the king's decree, as numerous dangers lurked in the heath. Except for the lone soldier Ludvig Kahlen, who strives for wealth and honour.
The final nominations will be announced on 23 January 2024. We wish both films the best of luck.